What’s up guys?
Continuing the last post, today’s word is MAKE! Make is a word that is very used in English. Only the word make has several meanings: fazer, construir, elaborar, and many other meanings. Here we want to show how “make” works used with other words in idioms, collocations or phrasal verbs.
Make do – quebra galho.
E.g.: We don’t have a stapler here, can you make do with some scotch tape?
Make fun of – tirar sarro de.
E.g.: Americans used to make fun of canadian accent.
Make ends meet – ser capaz de pagar as contas com o que se ganha.
E.g: I wonder how John manages to make ends meet on such a low salary!
Make mistakes – cometer erros. E.g.: Everybody makes mistakes sometimes.
Make a scene – fazer uma cena, armar barraco. E.g.: When she saw her husband cheating on her, she made a big scene at the bar.
Make progress – progredir. E.g: He is making a big progress in English.
make a baby – fazer um bebê; ter relação sexual.
E.g.: They have been trying to make a baby for years.
Make a bath – preparar um banho na temperatura certa.
E.g.: When I get home I Will make a very relaxing bath.
Make a breakthrough – fazer uma importante descoberta.
E.g.: Pedro Alvares Cabral made a breaktrhough when she found Brazil.
Phrasal Verbs:
Make (something) out to be - clamar; assertar.
- He makes himself out to be an important artist but his paintings are utter garbage.
- I think the critics make that movie out to be more profound than it really is.
Make ( somebody) out – entender o caráter de uma pessoa.
E.g.: Since she is normally quiet and reserved it is hard to make her out.
Make up for – compensa por alguma coisa; repor alguma coisa perdida.
- What she lacked in experience, she made up for in the way she learns quickly.
- She spend two weeks with her family to make up for her year long absence.
Well, that is it folks!
Any doubts, please send us an e-mail: nataliadenisethais@gmail.com
I loved the blog, is very cute. And the exercise about make is very itneresting because the student have many doubts about it!! =] Congratulations girls.
ResponderExcluirThais Andrijauskas.
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I realy loved the blog is very interesting. Collocations sometimes are very hard to students understand. I loved the posts! Congratulations !!! =)