Hello everybody, what’s up? Today I want to introduce a new topic: SLANGS! But.. what is slangs? Slang consists of very informal expressions or words which normally appears in speech rather than writing and are used by people who know each other well or who have the same jobs, backgrounds or interests. They are often quite strong in emotive terms and may sometimes be found offensive to people outside the group. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/learnit/learnitv167.shtml)
I have separated three slangs to start: nest egg; turn on a dime and on a shoestring. They are all related to money! $
Here is a very interesting podcast talking about these three slangs and what do they mean. If you have discovered what are their meanings, post on our comments and then we are going to check!
See you later alligator!
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