We Love English ♥

terça-feira, 1 de maio de 2012

The word today is HORSE!

Hello guys, today we’re beginning a range of posts where you can find some phrasal verbs, collocations and idioms using a determined word.

It works like this: we choose a word and show you some of the phrasal verbs, collocations and idioms that you can use with it.

By giving these examples, we believe you’ll recognize them more easily and will be able to use them correctly.

As the title already said, the word we’re working today is Horse.

Of course everybody knows what horse means, right? It is a big animal, which was very useful to men in the past, by taking them through paths and joining them in the war. Nowadays we can find the majority of them in the countryside, where they’re used to help on the fields with the agriculture and cattle farming. And they’re used in sports too, such as polo and derby. 

But all this explanation above won’t help you to find out the meaning of the expressions you’re about to see.
Here we go:

Phrasal Verbs:
To horse around: to act in a silly and careless way

Hold your horses: restrain/control yourself
A horse of another color: a totally different subject
Beat a dead horse: to pursue a cause that hasn’t hope to succeed.

To breed a horse: to raise a horse
To shoe a horse: to put on the horseshoes in the animal
To get the horse ready: to prepare it to ride
Horsebox: where people transport the horses
Horseflesh:  horses as a collectivity (in groups)

Well, that is it for today.
We hope you enjoyed this post.
Any doubts, please send us an e-mail: nataliadenisethais@gmail.com


Um comentário:

  1. Nice post on vocabulary! I think students will find it not only useful, but mostly fun =)
    Congrats on the blog!

