We Love English ♥

quarta-feira, 2 de maio de 2012


Hello Everybody!
While surfing on the internet, I was wondering that there are many examples of collocations in authentic material, such as news from CNN website. On the other hand, collocations are not so easy to identify as phrasal verbs and idioms.That’s why we decided to write this post, focusing on collocations.
We already explained what collocations are (see on the first post). But now we bring a new explanation, more complete, given by the teacher trainer Denilso de Lima who studies collocations for more than ten years. 
He published a book just talking about this subject (Por que É Assim e Não é Assado? Campus, 2007).
In this podcast bellow you will find a great definition about what collocations are:

And now, after you’ve heard the podcast, do you still have any doubts? If you do, we propose you a challenge:

  •   Treasure Hunt     

Access this website: http://healthmad.com/health/10-simple-ways-to-maintain-good-health/

And now try to find at least 10 collocations, one for each topic. Can you do that?

Please send us your results! nataliadenisethais@gmail.com


Um comentário:

  1. Hello girls... I liked this post very much!
    But I am still having some problems in recognizing idioms and collocations... I never know when it's one or another... Could you help me?
